Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Health, Wellness, Beauty and Fun!

Hello everyone, my name is Denise and welcome to my first blog.  I am a nurse and an entrepreneur.  My purpose for this blog is to share information that you can take with you on your journey along the health continuum.  When you are healthy or in a state of wellness, you are beautiful within and without; you have a good quality of life with time for fun!  The information I will share is in the public domain.  You can check out my references or resources.  At the end of my blogs, leave me a comment, what you'd like to get information on in the future or like more information on now.  I welcome your feedback.  Ok, let's dive right in.  First topic I'd like to discuss is detoxification.

Detoxification is the process of ridding the body of unwanted toxins (poisons) in the form of chemicals that we eat, breathe in or put on/in our bodies.  What's the harm?  Jordan Rubin, author of  Perfect Weight America says "The longer toxins hang around your body, including inside your gut -- the greater their potential for discomfort and problems".  The body must then try and get rid of these toxins through the liver, the skin, our bowels and bladder. 

Ok, so what to do?  There's the lemon aid fast that's inexpensive.  Okay, I know what you're thinking!  Fasting?  No way Jose!  Try fasting for 24 hours and see what happens.  But let me tell you about the Lemon aid fast that's all over the net.  I read about it from Dr. David Brownstein's newsletter at http://www.NewsMax/Health.com.  This is an excellent resource for whatever ails you and  he's got wonderful recommendations. 

On the Lemon aid fast, you add the juice of 1/2 to 1 lemon to 16 ounces of distilled water (or bottled water) with maple syrup grade b to taste and a pinch of cayenne pepper.  Anybody guess what the cayenne pepper does for ya?  Decreases the inflammation in the body.  How about the maple syrup, grade b?  It supplies nutrients to our cells.  Drink 8 glasses a day.  If you become weak or headachey, plop 2 tablespoons of a protein powder in water with a splash of Almond milk (warmed) and sweetened to taste with Agave Nectar or Molasses at least twice a day.  Within 24 hours elimination has started and you're getting rid of all kinds of stuff.  Within 4 days you're back to feeling your old self.  Can stay on this for 30 days!

I would be remiss if I did not tell you about Nopalea that is also an excellent detoxification wellness drink.  "Taking Nopalea daily can help your body: lessen inflammation which causes pain, cleanse itself of daily toxins, promote optimal health right down to your cells".  I've used Nopalea and I have to say it's most wonderful and really does work.  Check it out at  www.trivita.com/13671174.  In addition to the Nopalea, trivita is a good resource for other wellness products.  However, it is the Nopalea that was worth every penny! 

As the momentum for health and wellness gained momentum in the late 90's, people started paying attention.  The result of that attention has been more research on herbal medicines, and how they compare to traditional medicines.  This is an exciting time for all of us.  We've got a ways to go!  Here's to you on your Health and Wellness Journey. 

Denise, RN

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